Thursday, May 27, 2010

Australia post

image from

This Advertising was designed by agency M&C Saatchi for Australia post. The main idea is make the simple letter become alive in person.

The concept of this advertising is you can easily touch someone by letter, as the words written on the bottom " If you really want to touch someone, send them a letter".The designer created a solid man by worlds coming from the paper, embraced the real girl, in this way to passing a information which is the original communication way, writing a letter can not only pass on your best wishes to someone else, but also make your wishes more sincerity, more friendliness.

I quite like this advertising because of a good original concept, as a advertising it really attracted me, make me want to write a letter sometimes to instead of a phone call or internet. It also has good composition, people can focus on the image directly while they see this advertising, and can easily get the idea from the image, then looking on the bottom to know the whole concept of this advertising.

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