Thursday, May 27, 2010

Introduction of Typography

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. Type glyphs are created and modified using a variety of illustration techniques.

Some people are misunderstand the typography, they think choose a good typeface is typography. In fact, the real typography is not simple as to choose a good typeface, it is to arrange lots of typefaces, choose a good typefaces seems to be just first part. After that we will also play the size of the typefaces,the leading of the typefaces and adjusting the space between groups of letters and so on.

Also, I think a good typography design must base on legibility or readability, creativity and rememberability. First of all, it is very important to let people can read the typefaces, to understand, to know what are they talking about. Secondly, the design should be creative, freshness, in this way people can easily remember which is the next part.

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